a 24 hour Kentucky adventure… part one

a 24 hour Kentucky adventure… part one

"The most beautiful things in life are not things. They're people, places, memories and pictures. They're feelings and moments, and smiles, and laughter"

It Starts With Love

It Starts With Love

How do you prioritize your time and commitments to those you love?

A Million Weighted Jackets

A Million Weighted Jackets

"Why we should all be thinking about America's infatuation with acquiring and managing too much stuff."

Why NOT setting New Year’s Resolutions will help me exceed my 2019 goals

Why NOT setting New Year’s Resolutions will help me exceed my 2019 goals

How many hours are there in a day again? Never. Enough.

Holiday Grace

Holiday Grace

half channeling my inner Martha Stewart and half holding it together with dirty pony tails and scotch tape

The Magic (and challenge) of Selecting Paint Colors

The Magic (and challenge) of Selecting Paint Colors

A few practical tips when selecting paint colors that will yield success every time.

Less Stuff, Less Stress 5 Easy Steps to Get Started

Less Stuff, Less Stress 5 Easy Steps to Get Started

Less stress in our homes is a great thing for all.

More of These Please

More of These Please

From being on point to letting stuff go...quotes that inspire.

The Best Kind of Tired

The Best Kind of Tired

Their relatable #momtruths, the resulting I've been there too laughter, all of it is a wonderful gift that they give to the women in their community of followers.

The Value of an Idea

The Value of an Idea

What if the most critical part of an idea lies in the opportunity for the idea to occur in the first place?

New Season New Beginnings

New Season New Beginnings

Fall gives each of us an amazing gift, an opportunity to evaluate all of our new and renewed commitments and determine how to best start all over again.

Confessions From a Work in Progress

Confessions From a Work in Progress

The tendency to perfect comes naturally to me but the truth is that I am actually at my best when I am not perfect but rather just try my best.

Seek What Sets Your Soul on Fire

Seek What Sets Your Soul on Fire

Seeking, as the word itself tells us, is a call to action to ask and discover what sets our soul on fire.